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Chinese Pyramids: Myth or Reality Revealed!

There have been discussions about the mysterious Chinese Pyramids. The West initially learned about these incredible structures when an American trader, Fred Meyer Schroder, first reported this enigma in 1912. This extraordinary man-made monument is said to be the largest pyramid in the world, bigger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. In this giant pyramid’s surrounding valley, there are a dozen other pyramids, some rising to an elevation almost as great. In 1945, a US Air Force pilot James Gaussman spotted a “shimmering white” structure while flying over west China. It was said to be twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Two years later in 1947, another U.S. aviator Maurice Sheahan caught sight of a giant pyramid while flying over Shaanxi Province, not far from Xi’an - and rapidly snapped pictures. This time, several U.S. newspapers, including the New York Times published articles of the sighting in March 1947.


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